Ungrading at UFVA
On Thursday July 20th I presented my shared findings regarding utilizing Ungrading pedagogy in the classroom at the 2023 University Film Video Association Conference in Savannah, GA. I partnered up with Mark Reisch, Associate Professor here at RIT, to compare our uses in adapting some ungrading practices into our classroom. We both had seperate approaches to this, and it was fascinating to see what qualitative changes this has created in our classrooms.
While Mark began addapting in the 2022-23 AY, I have been utilizing “ungrading” in my teaching since 2018, but had really only stumbled upon the term in 2022, when I attended the same conference in Fredonia, NY. At that time, I learned how my “grading for growth” mindset, which I had been reading work by early-adopters such as Alfie Kohn, also could be embraced to help with student ownership of their work, self-accountability, and began adopting an “interative” mind-set to my classroom to help embrace more opportunities for students through lower-stakes, more frequent practical application.