The student work displayed here is from various courses teaching animation principles, software, design and animated film production. These examples showcase the foundational to more advanced concepts, with both undergraduate and graduate works.
Short Films
Raw Metal
Corrigan Owen. 2021. 3D Sophomore Film
War On Pugs
John Bennett. 2020. 2D Sophomore Film
Allie Barnett. 2020. 2D Sophomore Fim
Sketched Away
Zack Zand. 2020. 2D Senior Capstone
Various Works
2D Animation II: Performance
Students had to choose from 3 11-second audio clips to create a multi-character scene focusing on individual personalities, heavy and light weights, as well as understandable screen-direction and shot progression.
example by: Allie Barnett ( RIT ‘22)
Student Work Sample
A collection of sample animations by students I have taught, wherein they utilize a multitude of techniques from stop motion, hand drawn, drawn-light, charcoal, flip-books, and pixelation.